Eastview Families: Student Council is selling suckers 2/8 through Friday 2/10. Each sucker costs 50 cents! Proceeds go to the Humane Society! Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Eastview Elementary
Got some persuasive letters from 1st grade. Need to respond. Some kids want "extra recess" , but this kid went big with her request!
almost 2 years ago, Principal Kates
January Family Challenge winners!
almost 2 years ago, Principal Kates
family challenge
Positive Office Referral! Congrats!
almost 2 years ago, Principal Kates
Parents, Coffee at the Curb is coming up next week, on Valentine's Day, during morning drop-off! This was a big hit last year! We look forward to showing our appreciation for our Eastview Families!
almost 2 years ago, Eastview Elementary
Coffee at Curb
Affirmation Station in our restrooms! Not really a selfie guy but couldn't figure out how to take pic without being in it! Thanks to our Social Worker, Meridian, & Centerstone staff for taking great care of our kids!
almost 2 years ago, Principal Kates
January Family Challenge Board prize winners! Thank you Grace Church for the partnership!
almost 2 years ago, Principal Kates
Check out the February Family Challenge Board!
about 2 years ago, Eastview Elementary
Feb Challenge Board
Eastview Families: 2 hour delay today, Friday, January 27th. Stay safe.
about 2 years ago, Eastview Elementary
Eastview: Pajama Day tomorrow, Friday, 1/27/23. Great job earning your S.O.A.R. tickets! Please follow the dress code.
about 2 years ago, Eastview Elementary
Eastview Parents: Please see the Eastview Parent Survey at this link. We appreciate your feedback. https://forms.gle/26arET2jzpm5tdNi6
about 2 years ago, Eastview Elementary
FCSC closed tomorrow, 1.25.23. This is NOT an Elearning day. Make up day is Monday February 20th. Stay safe, and if you can, get outside and have some fun! Principal Kates
about 2 years ago, Principal Kates
Food Pantry Opportunity - see pic
about 2 years ago, Eastview Elementary
Food Pantry
Chartwells is Hiring!
about 2 years ago, Eastview Elementary
Chartwells is Hiring
100th Day of School Fun at Eastview!
about 2 years ago, Eastview Elementary
100th Day of School
Reminder, students do not go to school on Monday, 1/16/23. Thsnk you, Principal Kates
about 2 years ago, Principal Kates
FCSC 2 hour delay on January 12. Principal Kates
about 2 years ago, Principal Kates
Lunch buddy! Not sure which one of us was more excited!
about 2 years ago, Principal Kates
Our second Family Challenge winners for December!
about 2 years ago, Principal Kates
Eastview December Family Challenge winners! Thank you Grace Church, this family is headed to the movies due to your generous donation. The January Challenge Board has been sent home. Remember to complete, then sign and send into the school to be entered into the raffle!
about 2 years ago, Principal Kates
Dec Challenge