Eastview 2nd grade at Dougherty's Orchard!
over 2 years ago, Principal Kates
orchard 2
orchard 3
orchard 1
Eastview Veterans Day Program will be 11/11/22 from 8:15 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Veterans are invited to be honored during a school assembly followed by a reception with coffee and donuts. Look for more info from teachers n Wednesday folders.
over 2 years ago, Principal Kates
Positive Office Referrals! So proud of these young ladies!
over 2 years ago, Principal Kates
Carnival is underway!
over 2 years ago, Principal Kates
Carnival 1
Carnival 2
Fall Parent - Teacher Conferences: Families, teachers are in the process of reaching out to you to set up your in-person fall parent-teacher conference. Most but not all conferences will be Wednesday, 10/12/22. Reach out to your child's teacher for more information.
over 2 years ago, Eastview Elementary
Amazing student art work! Thank you Mrs. Burton. We're so lucky to have you at Eastview!
over 2 years ago, Principal Kates
art 1
art 2
Please bring personal hygiene donations to the PTO carnival tonight (October 7th, 6 to 8). We are collecting for Veterans through the Indiana Department of Workforce Development. Our boxes are fairly empty right now!
over 2 years ago, Principal Kates
Eastview PTO Carnival 6 to 8 p m. Friday October 7th!
over 2 years ago, Principal Kates
More Community Heroes in Kindergarten!
over 2 years ago, Principal Kates
k heroes
Community Heroes, thank you Officer Perry.
over 2 years ago, Principal Kates
Eastview Families: Reminder that the PTO Fall Carnival is this Friday, 10/7, from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
over 2 years ago, Eastview Elementary
Fall Carnival
Eastview is starting a schoolwide reading program. Each grade has a reading goal that will be communicated by teachers and sent home with a monthly calendar. We are utilizing "Book-It’s" free personal pan pizza as the reward. Teachers will keep you in the loop. You can learn a bit more here at this website: https://www.bookitprogram.com/
over 2 years ago, Eastview Elementary
over 2 years ago, Eastview Elementary
Eastview Spirit Wear Fundraiser: Please share! https://eastviewelementary2022.itemorder.com/shop/sale/
over 2 years ago, Eastview Elementary
#eastviewfamilychallenge Game Night box checked!
over 2 years ago, Principal Kates
The #eastviewfamilychallenge for October starts tomorrow! I'll be playing some checkers and maybe some flashlight tag with Henry and posting our pics! Our family will be watching Hocus Pocus 2 as well - so we'll be checking off boxes this weekend! Post your pics Eastview families and be sure to use the hashtag!
over 2 years ago, Eastview Elementary
Eastview Family Challenge October
Positive Office Referrals! Great job!
over 2 years ago, Principal Kates
positive 9.30
K & 1 doing Johnny Appleseed activities!
over 2 years ago, Principal Kates
Eastview is collecting hygiene products for Veterans. Please see pic for list. Collection starts now and ends the night of the Eastview PTO Fall Carnival, 10/7.
over 2 years ago, Principal Kates
Picture Day is Monday 9/26. A fine American tradition, families absolutely love picture day! You know my saint of a mother literally jumped off the couch to send these when i asked. Here's me ornery as can be as a kinder, going through a phase we'll call it in middle school (sweet Freddy Kruger striped shirt). Then, here are my babies, 1st & 6th. Share your pics with your kids, share positive words with kids....as picture day is a fav for some but an anxious experience for many. Great opportunity to tell our babies they're beautiful inside & out. CK
over 2 years ago, Principal Kates