Eastview 2nd grade at Dougherty's Orchard!
Eastview Veterans Day Program will be 11/11/22 from 8:15 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Veterans are invited to be honored during a school assembly followed by a reception with coffee and donuts. Look for more info from teachers n Wednesday folders.
Positive Office Referrals! So proud of these young ladies!
Carnival is underway!
Fall Parent - Teacher Conferences: Families, teachers are in the process of reaching out to you to set up your in-person fall parent-teacher conference. Most but not all conferences will be Wednesday, 10/12/22. Reach out to your child's teacher for more information.
Amazing student art work! Thank you Mrs. Burton. We're so lucky to have you at Eastview!
Please bring personal hygiene donations to the PTO carnival tonight (October 7th, 6 to 8). We are collecting for Veterans through the Indiana Department of Workforce Development. Our boxes are fairly empty right now!
Eastview PTO Carnival 6 to 8 p
m. Friday October 7th!
More Community Heroes in Kindergarten!
Community Heroes, thank you Officer Perry.
Eastview Families: Reminder that the PTO Fall Carnival is this Friday, 10/7, from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Eastview is starting a schoolwide reading program. Each grade has a reading goal that will be communicated by teachers and sent home with a monthly calendar. We are utilizing "Book-It’s" free personal pan pizza as the reward. Teachers will keep you in the loop. You can learn a bit more here at this website:
Basketball Try out form
Eastview Spirit Wear Fundraiser: Please share!
#eastviewfamilychallenge Game Night box checked!
The #eastviewfamilychallenge for October starts tomorrow! I'll be playing some checkers and maybe some flashlight tag with Henry and posting our pics! Our family will be watching Hocus Pocus 2 as well - so we'll be checking off boxes this weekend! Post your pics Eastview families and be sure to use the hashtag!
Positive Office Referrals! Great job!
K & 1 doing Johnny Appleseed activities!
Eastview is collecting hygiene products for Veterans. Please see pic for list. Collection starts now and ends the night of the Eastview PTO Fall Carnival, 10/7.
Picture Day is Monday 9/26. A fine American tradition, families absolutely love picture day! You know my saint of a mother literally jumped off the couch to send these when i asked. Here's me ornery as can be as a kinder, going through a phase we'll call it in middle school (sweet Freddy Kruger striped shirt). Then, here are my babies, 1st & 6th. Share your pics with your kids, share positive words with kids....as picture day is a fav for some but an anxious experience for many. Great opportunity to tell our babies they're beautiful inside & out. CK