While at 1st Grade Recess, this little guy's mind was blown, "look at this caterpillar Mr. Kates!" Too small to see in the pic behind him, but this was no caterpillar but rather a praying mantis! I had to work hard to convince him to even take the pic..he didn't want to get too close! His little mind was blown and we had a blast observing and asking questions! My question...why isn't it spelled prey? Had no idea it was spelled praying - seems like it would make sense to be spelled prey? Come to find out it's spelled pray because it looks like it's praying! So much learning!
over 2 years ago, Eastview Elementary
Praying Mantis
"Oliver" Musical Auditions - see pic!
over 2 years ago, Eastview Elementary
"Oliver" Musical Auditions - see pic!
Thank you for coming out for the Supply Drop Off. We'll have you all in classrooms for Meet the Team Night in two weeks, August 18th. We're taking a new approach where teachers will be presenting important classroom information. Much more than a meet & greet, parents will leave with a good understanding of how things work in our classrooms. Questions sooner, just reach out. Missed us tonight? No problem, our amazing staff will guide students Monday morning. Class lists are in Powerschool. Can't access, call the office. Don’t worry, staff will be all over the building welcoming kids Monday. We'll take care of you! We start Monday! Remember school starts at 7:55 a.m., releases at 2:35 p.m. No changes to drop off, doors open at 7:30 a.m. New to Eastview & not sure what to do? Go east on McCann, turn right (onto Fountain), immediate right into front lot. Once in line we'll help direct you. Kids must stay in vehicles until 7:30 a.m. Kindergarten parents can walk students to classrooms on Monday. For pick up, line starts in back at 2:15 p.m. (south side, by apartments). Parents must have the numbered tag or children will not be allowed into vehicle. For safety reasons, do not arrive until 2:15 p.m. Remember, download the FCSC app (on district website). You'll get all the info you need. Events such as Fall Pictures are already posted. Eastview teachers & staff are a special group of people & it showed tonight as they welcomed families. Blessed to lead such an incredible group.
over 2 years ago, Principal Kates
Looking forward to seeing families between 5 and 6 tonight (8/4) in the gym for Supply Drop Off!
over 2 years ago, Principal Kates
Remember, Supply Drop Off is Thursday, August 4th, 5:00 to 6:00 p.m in the gym.
over 2 years ago, Principal Kates
Eastview Families: A few things: We're working hard on class lists! Lists will be in PowerSchool tomorrow (and will NOT be posted on the front window as in the past). If you can't access PS, don't worry, we'll take care of you and get you the teacher's name during the Supply Drop Off! We look forward to seeing everyone in the gym from 5:00 - 6:00 for the Supply Drop Off. Families can meet their teachers and drop off those supplies! Kindergarten: Exciting news, we'll have three kindergarten classes at Eastview this year! K families, you WILL be able to walk your child to their classroom on Monday morning. Staff: Please help us welcome Mrs. Megan Angel, 1st Grade Teacher, and Mrs. Dana Burton, Art Teacher. Mr. Levi Thompson, CHS Band Director, will be teaching Music at Eastview! An announcement about our third Kindergarten teacher is coming! Remember to keep your calendar marked for Meet the Team Night, August 18th from 5:00 - 6:00.
over 2 years ago, Eastview Elementary
Reminder, Eastview Supply Drop Off in the gym, Thursday 8.4.22, from 5:00 - 6:00.
over 2 years ago, Eastview Elementary
School Supply Drop Off
Eastview Families: Our office will be working on Class Lists throughout the week next week. Thursday night, 8/4/22, is the Supply Drop off in the Eastview Gym from 5:00 to 6:00. Please label materials before arrival. Students will be meeting their grade-level team in the gym. Mark your calendars for the first annual Meet the Team Night on August 18th, from 5:00 - 6:00. More details about this important event to come.
over 2 years ago, Eastview Elementary
Registration starts today (7/26) at noon! Grounds look fantastic thanks to dedicated custodial team. Excited to welcome families.
over 2 years ago, Principal Kates
reg 2
Eastview Families: Reminder that registration takes place Tuesday, July 26 from 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. and again on Wednesday, July 27, from 8:30 to 3:30.
over 2 years ago, Eastview Elementary
Chartwells is hiring!
over 2 years ago, Eastview Elementary
Chartwells is Hiring
Eastview Families: If your child brought their chromebook home, please be sure to charge, turn on, and leave on for about an hour in order for the device to go through some updates. (*If you chose to leave the device at EV, we'll take of this when school starts.) Principal Kates
over 2 years ago, Eastview Elementary
Chromebook Update
Eastview Supply Lists for 22 - 23: You can find entire doc at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nUIlAlSbBSUEik3PwEs5dmO9N_6L17pD/view?usp=sharing Or you can use the attached pictures!
over 2 years ago, Eastview Elementary
EV Supply Lists Life - Skills
EV Supply Lists K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd
EV Supply Lists 4th, 5th, 6th
EV Families: See pic for 22 -23 Registration information. Thank you, Chris Kates
over 2 years ago, Eastview Elementary
FCSC 22 - 23 Registration Information
We're looking for incredible people to support our teachers & kids! Our Support Staff are the backbone of the school! Eastview is looking for one dedicated Educational Assistant (also referred to as a Title 1 Assistant) and one Life-Skills Special Education Assistant! Want to become involved at Eastview but can't take on a Support Staff role, ask me about becoming one of our regular substitute teachers! Interested, please email me directly at ckates@fayette.k12.in.us - thank you!
over 2 years ago, Eastview Elementary
Mark your calendars EV Families: Registration will take place on Tuesday the 26th and Wednesday the 27th at Eastview. More detailed times will be posted soon! Principal Kates
over 2 years ago, Eastview Elementary
Happy Summer Eastview Families: I hope everyone is enjoying their summer with family & friends. We got out West and made some amazing memories!
over 2 years ago, Eastview Elementary
CK Family Bear Lake RMNP
CK Family Boulder CO
CK Solo Alpine Lake Hike RMNP
Kindergarten finishing up year with songs for families!
over 2 years ago, Principal Kates
K Graduation at Eastview!
over 2 years ago, Principal Kates